Friday, December 10, 2010

last spring, I started reading "Perfectly Yourself : 9 lessons for enduring happiness"

Normally I toss self-help books to the side as I roll my eyes because I just feel oh too superior to be reading one. But after a long conversation with my aunt and a few tears of frustration due to my desire of clarity and a couple "I don't know how to be happy"'s... it just seemed like (forgive me) a sign when this book laid atop a pile of my Aunt's books when I opened the forgotten closet hidden behind my dresser. So I started reading it and to my surprise, Frank Kelly convinced me that he knew exactly how I was feeling and his cures seemed too pure and good to be just a treatment. By mid-afternoon the next day I had made it to Lesson 6. I was so filled with inspiration and motivation to begin practicing the lessons that I put the book down to start. I forgot the book. Last night-I picked it up again and finally made it to Lesson 9, followed by a review of all the lessons where I found... I have come a long way since last spring. Of course, I've yet to find my own happiness but this book taught me a lot. Mostly it taught me to be patient and not to worry. Still is teaching me to accept myself. Which has too much to do with happiness, feeling at home within myself.

And while I'm recommending things, ughh, please pick up a bottle of Giovanni's Tea Tree Triple Treat shampoo and conditioner. It's costs more than your usual--but it truly feels like its washing all your troubles out of your mind. so relieving.

I recieved a message today.Followed by a phone call.

I just wanted to say that. I'm not really going to say anything about either.


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