Friday, March 25, 2011


I started asking myself what the difference between a state of mind and an emotion is. I searched it through and through on the internet--I also asked a lot of people.

No one answered in a way that filled the void.

so I tried to simplify a more specific question for them, supposing i could use this as a clue to find the answer instead of boldly asking for the answer no one was giving me
"if I'm irritated, is it a state of mind or an emotion?"
everyone hesitated...and answered differently.
I wasn't satisfied.
I went to aunt patty. instead, she does not answer. she leads me to my own because she knows its the only answer i'll accept.

and onward I thought,
Could a state of mind be an emotion? Futhermore, ---it seems that an emotion is only an emotion until you become aware of it. once you become aware, you can take control of it- making it a state of mind.

"listen to youself. "

something was missing...
because theres something...I dont understand...

I dont know...
I just...


whats the difference...

how do you tell the difference between a thought and a feeling?
how do you know which is which?

and i am so lost over this.

she keeps telling me to have faith in myself.
but I don't know how to do this
she tells me to take advantage of the free will God gave to me and trust in myself for once.
Goal #3...the goal I was searching for when I made #2.

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